Designer & Boutique Labels At Budget Prices

About Us

We've all bought dresses that we've only worn once and then put in the back of the wardrobe.

If you have any Designer or Boutique label
* Clothes
* Shoes
* Handbags
* Dress hats
that are in good condition - be it nearly new or un-used - we will sell them for you.

There is no fee to anyone selling. Simply drop the items into us, we will give you an idea of what price you could expect to receive.

If after approx 6 weeks the item hasn't sold, you have the option of either taking it back or leaving it in the shop a bit longer.

Payment will be made to you after the item has sold.

Bear in mind the season too - you probably won't get money for beach wear in December!!

We accept:
* Evening / Debs Wear

* Casual Wear

* Wedding Dresses

* Bridesmaid Dresses

* Dress Hats

* Bags / Purses

* Shoes